We would be glad to collaborate with scholars interested in the topics of our international project focusing on New Religious Cultures in the USSR and Russia (1960s–2020s). Every researcher who would like to contribute to the New Age in Russia blog will be welcome!
If you would like to post a text, please send an email to naru (a) including:
- a few sentences describing your academic background, and
- a short summary of the blog post you intend to publish.
As soon as the Editorial team has accepted your proposal and set the date of publication, you will get the guidelines to start creating your blog post.
Please find below the basic instructions for a blog post:
- text length: 500–1200 words
- the blog is a quotable academic publication; your article could
- focus on the analysis of a selected aspect of a research project
- survey a research project
- present a primary source-text with comments
- present a case-study representative of a certain context, or
- be an unfinished paper or a memoir.
- reference list: Chicago style 16th, try also an online citation generator
- avoid footnotes, use only in-text citations
- tags (10 max.)
- inserted and captured jpeg images with a clear copyright information (1 featured image 720×340 pixels and 96 DPI resolution as well as 2–4 images 520×245 pixels max., use also free resources as Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay, Kaboompics etc.)
- please use hyperlinks for your text: if you mention an already published blog post in our blog; if you mention an internet page or internet source you quoted; if you mention a topic/personality that one can find in our blog.