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Joseph Kellner

Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of Georgia, USA

Dr. Joseph Kellner is assistant professor of Russian history at the University of Georgia, USA.His forthcoming book (yet untitled) is a cultural history of the collapse of the USSR, focused on the highly visible flourishing of radical new worldviews and spiritualities that emerged at that time. It is due out in late 2024 with Cornell University Press.  

Kellner`s recent publications include: “The End of History: Radical Responses to the Soviet Collapse” under review at Cornell University Press (2018); the book’s first chapter, on late- and post-Soviet astrology, was published in 2019 as “As Above, So Below: Astrology and the Fate of Soviet Scientism.”, Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 20, no. 4 (Fall 2019): 783-812; Review of “October: The Story of the Russian Revolution”, by China Miéville, Canadian-American Slavic Studies (2020); a version of the final chapter, on the radical historical revisions of mathematician Anatolii Fomenko, was published in 2021 in Russian and English as “Анатолий Фоменко в конце истории,” in “В защиту мейнстрима” (“In Defense of the Mainstream”), edited by Lev Danilkin, Moscow, V—A—C Foundation.

Joseph is also co-author with Alexei Golubev of a forthcoming primary source reader, Colonial Legacies, Radical Histories: Early Soviet Historians and the Anticolonial Critique, University of Toronto Press, expected 2024.