Professor of Russian Language and Literature
Department of Modern Languages, Slavic Languages
Uppsala University
Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 L, Box 636
751 26 Uppsala, Sweden
Maria Engström is an Professor of Russian Language and Literature at Uppsala University, Sweden. Her research focuses on contemporary Russian neoconservative intellectual milieu and its ‘occulture’ roots (The Iuzhinskii Circle), neocosmism and post-Soviet utopian imagination, imperial aesthetics in contemporary literature and art, and the role of the Orthodox Church in contemporary Russian politics.
Engström’s recent publications include: How the ‘90s Have Become a Source of Inspiration for Pop Artists Russia.Post, 2023; Ukraine : “Le nouvel impérialisme russe postsoviétique est revanchard”, 2022; Cultural forms of protest in contemporary Russia, The University and Social Protests Uppsala. 2022; “We don’t support the ‘special operation’, we’re carrying it out”, Russia.Post, 2022; Late-Soviet Occulture: Evgenii Golovin and the Iuzhinskii Circle (In Mark Lipovetsky, Ilja Kukuj,Tomas Glanc, Maria Engström, and Klavdia Smola (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Soviet Underground Culture, Oxford University Press, 2022); Russia as the West’s queer other: Gosha Rubchinskiy’s politics of fashion (In Miazhevich,Galina (ed.), Queering Russian Media and Culture, Routledge, London & New York, 114-133, 2022) Theoretical Problems of Soviet Underground Culture (In The Oxford Handbook of Soviet Underground Culture, Oxford University Press, with Mark Lipovetsky, Ilja Kukuj,Tomas Glanc, and Klavdia Smola, 2021); Recycling of the Post-Soviet Counterculture, and the New Aesthetics of the “Second World” (In Новое литературное обозрение, 169, 3, 70-88, 2021) Re-imagining antiquity: The conservative discourse of ‘Russia as the true Europe’ and Kremlin’s new cultural policy (In Russia asCivilization: Ideological Discourses in Politics, Media, and Academia (Studies in Contemporary Russia), edited by Kåre Johan Mjör and Sanna Turoma, Routledge, 142-163, 2020) Нефть в современном российском искусстве[Neft’ v sovremennom isskustve]/Oil in the Modern Russian Art (In Неприкосновенный запас, № 126, 4, 255-269, 2019) Telluro-Cosmic Imperial Utopia and Contemporary Russian Art (In The Post-Soviet Politics of UtopiaLanguage, Fiction and Fantasy in Modern Russia, edited by Mikhail Suslov and Per-Arne Bodin, 2019); Recycling der Gegenkultur Die neue Ästhetik der ‘Zweiten Welt’ (Osteuropa 5/2019); Visualizing the Conservative Revolution: Alternative Globalization and Aesthetic Utopia of ‘Novorossiia’ (2018); Digital Orthodoxy: Mediating Post-Secularity in Russia (2015, co-edited); Contemporary Russian Messianism and New Russian Foreign Policy (2014).